Indwell - An 8-Step Mental Health Guide

Indwell - An 8-Step Mental Health Guide


Embark on a journey to serenity with the Indwell Guide, your companion to mastering mental well-being.

This 344-page guide is the result of a unique collaboration between a seasoned psychotherapist, an insightful life coach, and a visionary visual artist. Each page is infused with the power of visual storytelling, comprehensive education, and practical, actionable tools designed to restore your mental equilibrium.

The Indwell Guide presents an 8-step path to understanding the intricate dance of your mind, body, and emotions. Through thought-provoking journal prompts, you'll cultivate deeper self-awareness, while guided exercises offer you real strategies to enhance your mental health. The guide's action plans are your stepping stones to personal transformation, complemented by a suite of stunning visuals that not only soothe the eye but also steer you towards a state of inner wellness.

More than a mere workbook, the Indwell Guide is a work of art, bound in fine linen, adding a dash of elegance to your coffee table or bookshelf. It's not only a tool for personal growth but also a catalyst for meaningful conversations about mental health. Let the Indwell Guide be the guardian of your mental sanctuary, inviting you to explore, understand, and nourish your inner world.


  • Printed in Canada on FSC certified recycled paper

  • 344 pages

  • Eco-friendly sustainable linen hardcover

  • Size: 22 cm x 28 cm

  • Created by Psychotherapist: Hatty J. Lee, LMFT, Life Coach: ReeJae Chi, MCLC, and Visual Artist: Esther Lee (@eslee)

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